Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Colorado Visit

Someone has been bugging us to come to Colorado to see Jude for quite sometime...uh hem...Carolyn...and so we finally caught a last minute fare and headed out to visit the McCallister Fam over Labor day weekend. We had quite a trip! We went hiking on the Incline (a mile straight up Pike's Peak with 3000+ steps...whew!), then to a hot air balloon festival and on Labor day we watched my sis do her first 1/2 marathon. We had a great time, and Jude did perfect on his 2nd fight :-)
Uncle Gener

See that little skinny path behind us? Yup, we climbed all the way up! (and still have a little ways to go)

we did it!

Hot air balloon festival

The 1/2 marathoner, go sis!

we found this cutie in the tree :-)

Jude and cousin Kate

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