Tuesday, December 29, 2009

7 months old!

Isn't he handsome!?! Our little man is starting to get some hair! Yeah! He isn't crawling just yet but he is rocking on those hands and knees pretty good...it won't be long! He still just has the 2 bottom teeth, and he is eating food like it is going out of style. Looks like I'll have another lil Denny in the house, better stock up! Haha!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We visited my family in Round Rock, TX over Christmas. It was so nice to hang around with the family...Grammie and Papa haven't seen Jude in 3 months so a lot had changed! Kate and Jude were pretty cute together, they even got some bath time together :-)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Palm Springs, California

Denny and I had the opportunity to attend a seminar in California and we just couldn't pass it up. Grandma Jo graciously agreed to come with us and care for Jude while we were in the seminar. It was absolutely perfect in Palm Springs...70 degrees...sunny...beautiful...ahhhhh it was so nice! We really should have missed our flight coming back because when we returned it was cold dark and rainy...ugh!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

6 months old!

Wow! I cannot believe it has been 6 months already! Jude is doing awesome. He is weighing in at 16.1 lbs and he is 24in long. We have started giving him more food and he LOVES that he is finally participating in this eating thing. So far he as tried bananas, avocado, sweet potato and mango. He is rolling like a champ and has just start to rock on his hands and knees...won't be long til he is on the go!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent Thanksgiving with Denny's Family in Clinton. Check out the video, I LOVE the giggles!

Jude could not stop laughing at the dog...it was so cute!

Jude and our nephew Colton

Hugs for Grandma Jo


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fayetteville Square lighting

Every year they light the square with thousands, well probably millions of lights. It is beautiful! The Christmas fever has officially hit!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A sample of food

Jude has been interested in us eating for the past couple of months. We finally gave in and let him sample some food for the first time.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Adventure Race

No pictures to prove that we did it, but we did, I promise! AND GUESS WHAT!?! Denny and his partner, Keith WON the race!! Woohoo! It took them a little under 4 hours. We ran, did some mountain biking and canoeing and got lost (well, at least Heidi and I did) but it was tons of fun and I think I'll probably be back for more next year! It turned out to be a BEAUTIFUL day, 70 degrees and sunny, what a blessing!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jude is 5 months!

Happy Halloween! We tried to carve the pumpkin to match his shirt.

the last of the fall colors
Farmer's Market

Jude the Tiger...isn't he scary??

He LOVES to pull hair

Happy 5 month birthday!

Not sure how much he weighs, my guess is about 15lbs. He is rolling over like a mad man and he has 2 teeth!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Training for the Adventure Race

Denny & have been training for an Adventure race. What is an Adventure Race?? Well, we are doing a short, in town "urban adventure race," but it is where you have a topographic map and different destination points that you must find throughout town. It involves running/hiking, mountain biking, a water element (probably canoe) and possibly rock climbing or repeling.....ummm, ya, not so sure what I got myself into, but I'll post later how it goes :-)

Jude wants us to sign him up for the next race:-) Here he is tagging along with his buddy, Declan

Friday, October 9, 2009

awww....buddies :-)

Caught Conner giving Jude a bath...pretty cute!


We have been getting tons and tons of rain here lately and last night the field flooded behind our house. Denny took the canoe out to scope it out.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

4 months old!

Jude turned 4 months today. He is 24.9" long and weights 13lbs 13oz.

Cute little sleeper :-)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Uncle Craig meets Jude

Craig flew in from the big city of California, MD to come visit his new nephew. It was the first time for him to meet Jude. Bikes, Blues and BBQ was going on over the weekend, so there were about 250, 000 extra people here. The weather was BEAUT-TI-FUL!!! We went hiking, to the farmers market, viewed the bikes, had a cookout and ate some yummy food...what a weekend! Tons of fun!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My little pumpkin

These were taken at the Farmers Market. Isn't he a cutie?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Jude wants to eat food!

Jude wants to eat food so bad! Every time we eat or drink anything in front of him he loves to watch us. I have a feeling he is going to have his Daddy's appetite :-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Colorado Visit

Someone has been bugging us to come to Colorado to see Jude for quite sometime...uh hem...Carolyn...and so we finally caught a last minute fare and headed out to visit the McCallister Fam over Labor day weekend. We had quite a trip! We went hiking on the Incline (a mile straight up Pike's Peak with 3000+ steps...whew!), then to a hot air balloon festival and on Labor day we watched my sis do her first 1/2 marathon. We had a great time, and Jude did perfect on his 2nd fight :-)
Uncle Gener

See that little skinny path behind us? Yup, we climbed all the way up! (and still have a little ways to go)

we did it!

Hot air balloon festival

The 1/2 marathoner, go sis!

we found this cutie in the tree :-)

Jude and cousin Kate