Monday, June 28, 2010


We finally got a chance to visit Craig and Alicia. We took a short, but fun weekend trip to California, MD. We flew into D.C. and Craig took us to downtown Alexandria, the following evening we went to a symphony concert in the park and then we got to see the planes that Alicia works on (the base was having Family Day :-) Here a some of the pictures we took.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My big walker...

Jude decided it was time to start walking over the weekend. He is pretty fast already. Watch out!

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Birthday Party!!

We had a wonderful time on Saturday at Jude's Party. Grammie and Papa came up (texas fajitas in tow) and we cooked out and ate pie. It was lots of fun, thanks to everyone who came out!

Saturday, May 29, 2010


We had to reschedule his party until June 12th, but here is a re-cap of his monthly pictures over the last year. I'll post the party pictures after the birthday celebration!

1 month old

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

8 months old

9 months old

10 months old

11 months old

1 year old!!! Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We have ourselves a climber...

Yeah...I know....

I was a little nervous about the coffee table, but ON TOP OF THE STROLLER!?! Geez, Lord help us!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! We surprised Denny's mom and went to Clinton for the weekend. Jude got some quality time with Colton in the bathtub. So stinkin cute! He also gave me the best present in the whole world...2 LONG peaceful naps! Yes Jude!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Couldn't pass up this up at a garage sale...

I was biking Conner today and spotted this car. I knew Jude would love it. I brought him over to our neighbors house to check it out and he got the biggest smile on his we drive everywhere now :-)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

11 months old!

Wow, almost 1 year I can't believe it! He isn't walking just yet, but he is getting very brave and letting go while he is standing up. He is still really into driving. He can say the word ball, and Daddy...loves to say daddy over and over. Eating lots of good food and just doing so many new things everyday! More pics and videos to come!

Our friend Keith and his boy Declan (almost 2 years old)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

California trip

We were in Santa Ana California for almost 2 weeks! We were out there doing some coaching for our business. Did get to venture out too much because we were pretty busy, but here are a few shots. One thing we found out is that Jude is ready to drive! He might almost be 11 months, but bring on the driver's license :-)

Driving the shopping cart at whole foods

Driving the rental car...that california traffic is crazy!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

So there was a change of plans and we ended up staying in Fayetteville for Easter, but Denny's folks did stop by for lunch today so it was nice to see some family :-)
Our family pic didn't turn out so good, but I thought I should post it anyway because my hubby looks so sharp in a suit! Jude did pretty good on his first egg hunt, he got one! Better luck next time :-)

Monday, March 29, 2010

10 months old!

Our 'lil man is getting big! He is probably around 20 something pounds. He has 8 teeth and 1 more on the way. He is still crawling and getting very fast with it, we know the walking is just around the corner...ahhhh!! Oh did I mention he is a climber too!?! Caught him on top of a large bin that I was putting some of his old clothes in, what a stinker!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Jude & Conner

Now that Jude is eating more foods, Conner is thinking he might be alright...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day

Grandma Jo found this outfit for Jude and I thought it was perfect for St. Patrick's Day. Jude was crawling to get into Conner's water bowl and Denny held him by the tail to keep him back...haha, maybe all of his outfits should have a tail sewn on!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

tickle tickle

Can't help but share these cute giggles!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

visiting Grandma Loyce

Took at quick trip over to Tulsa to see Grandma Loyce. We are so thrilled that we finally caught her famous little tune on video (we have no excuse for forgetting the words now :-)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

9 months old!

Holy cow! How is he 9 months old already!?! He is still crawling all over and pulling up on anything he can get his hands on. He has 6 teeth and is working on 2 more. He is just over 19lbs and I forgot how long he is, but he is definitely tall (all his pants are starting to be high-waters...I know what that is like!) He is eating all kinds of food now and for the most part everything is going over pretty good...don't ask about sweet potatoes!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

who needs a milk mustache?

Jude loves his green juice, or should I say our green juice. If I put it in his cup then it tastes horrible but as long as it is coming out of mommy's cup, yum yum!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So glad our washer and dryer are too big to put doors in front of them....

Jude LOVES to watch the clothes spin in the washer and dryer...hey, it makes for good entertainment:-)

Saturday, January 30, 2010


A glipse of some action on our snow day