Sunday, November 29, 2009

6 months old!

Wow! I cannot believe it has been 6 months already! Jude is doing awesome. He is weighing in at 16.1 lbs and he is 24in long. We have started giving him more food and he LOVES that he is finally participating in this eating thing. So far he as tried bananas, avocado, sweet potato and mango. He is rolling like a champ and has just start to rock on his hands and knees...won't be long til he is on the go!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent Thanksgiving with Denny's Family in Clinton. Check out the video, I LOVE the giggles!

Jude could not stop laughing at the was so cute!

Jude and our nephew Colton

Hugs for Grandma Jo


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fayetteville Square lighting

Every year they light the square with thousands, well probably millions of lights. It is beautiful! The Christmas fever has officially hit!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A sample of food

Jude has been interested in us eating for the past couple of months. We finally gave in and let him sample some food for the first time.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Adventure Race

No pictures to prove that we did it, but we did, I promise! AND GUESS WHAT!?! Denny and his partner, Keith WON the race!! Woohoo! It took them a little under 4 hours. We ran, did some mountain biking and canoeing and got lost (well, at least Heidi and I did) but it was tons of fun and I think I'll probably be back for more next year! It turned out to be a BEAUTIFUL day, 70 degrees and sunny, what a blessing!