Saturday, August 29, 2009

3 month birthday

Jude shared his 3 month birthday with Craig's 31st birthday today. Jude weighs in at 12lbs this month. Here are a couple of pics of my man

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Caught some giggles today. I didn't capture the really good ones, but here are a few :-)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jude's First Flight & Grandma Loyce's Birthday

Grandma Loyce (Denny's Dad's mom) celebrated her 81st birthday on Friday. Don and JoNell wanted to fly over to spend some time with her and offered to pick us up on Saturday to go with them. Yeah! We got to see Grandma, Aunt Pam and Uncle Denny (Don's Brother) and Denny's cousin Whitney. It was so much fun visiting with everyone, and Jude did so awesome on his first flight! Enjoy the slideshow!

Friday, August 21, 2009


We took our first hiking trip on Friday to Celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary. We did the same trip last year and had so much fun that we had to do it again...this time with Jude :-) He LOVED the hike. He is so fond of looking at trees so he was in his glory. The disappointing news is that our camera battery died before we even got one picture! I was so upset! So I'll just tell you about it...

We went to a place called Whittaker Point in the morning, the weather was spectacular (low 60's in the a.m. and a high of 80 degrees-what a day!), and we actually might have a pic to show you from this one. A couple of nice guys offered to take our picture and email it to us, so if it comes through I'll post it. We spent a few hours enjoying the hike and the pretty day and then headed to Jasper to eat at this local joint that had incredible elk burgers...yum!

We then headed over to Lost Valley for our next hike. It was beautiful but it is actually known for the incredible waterfalls and they aren't flowing in the summer. We'll have to go back and take pics (I'll remember to charge the battery this time) when we can view the falls. When we headed back for Fayetteville the Elk were out grazing in the Valley so we stopped to check them out. What a day, it was wonderful!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Surprise Visit

We had a surprise visit from David & Margaret over the weekend (Grandma Jo decided to come last minute as well). Here are few pictures that we captured!

Aunt Lola

Family Pic taken at Blue Fin...pretty background :-)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Jude has something to say...

He is being so cute lately with all his talking so I had to capture a little bit on video :-)

Monday, August 3, 2009

CSA Garden Tour

This year we joined a CSA (community supported agriculture) for the first time. You pay at set price at the beginning of the season and receive a box of locally grown delicious produce each week. It has been wonderful, and we look forward to our box each week. Over the weekend they hosted an open house to view the garden and eat some homegrown goodies. The garden property is BEAUTIFUL! It even included a spring feed creek and a little bamboo forest.

the pretty creek behind the property

Shitake mushroom logs

Bamboo forest

Grammie and Papa come to visit

They couldn't take it any longer...Grammie and Papa came for a visit over the weekend, here is the collection of photos we took. Enjoy!